stronger together - symposium on march 6, 2025 - register here

LAWPOA and the 30x30 Initiative

Nationwide women account for approximately 13% of law enforcement officers today.  As we move toward the 30X30 goal, we have no time to waste, the clock is ticking and 6 1/2 years will go by fast.  We all need to do our part to help increase the numbers.  This means each person whether sworn, civilian and or community members are needed to recruit, retain and promote women to all ranks.  We all need to work hard to remove the stigma of law enforcement for women to recruit quality candidates.  As well as make every effort to break every glass ceiling for those currently on the job.  This means women and men alike are needed to make 30X30, a reality in 2030.  It can be done but only if we all pitch in to do so.  This means we each have to do our part on or off duty to recruit, mentor, inspire, lead and push through the hurdles to achieve what can be achievable… 30% Women in law enforcement by 2030!!