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Women Against Gun Violence

LAWPOA Board members along with Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas attended the Women Against Gun Violence (WAGV) 21st Annual Leadership Awards, which was held on May 3, 2015, at the Taglyan Cultural Complex. This year’s honorees were California State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Former California State Assemblymember Nancy Skinner, Smart Tech Challenges Foundation, and Ernestine S. Elster, Ph.D.

We applaud the courageous efforts of the WAGV for their dedication to keeping families, children, and the communities we serve to be safe from gun violence. During the conclusion of the awards luncheon, a brief video presentation was shown called “Guns With History” by States United to Prevent Gun Violence. We encourage you to take a moment and view it on the web.

Women Against Gun Violence (WAGV) 21st Annual Leadership Awards